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If you are wordpress blog user,you must consider about the site security process. Otherwise your site may be hack or infecting malwares. So I’m going to explain some essential wordpress security plugins usages and how to crack them to get all features with premium features without paid to them. 😀

What are the wordpress security plugins?

Here is a list of most useful wordpress security plugins.

How to crack Wordfence Security Plugin.

Updated to Version 7.4.11

Screenshot_2020-10-13 Blocking ‹ Firewall ‹ WebExplorar com — WordPress
Screenshot_2020-10-13 Blocking ‹ Firewall ‹ WebExplorar com — WordPress

Follow these steps.


Go to the /wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib folder and open wordfenceClass.php file.



I’m going to get blocking country premium feature by cracking it.
Open the wordfenceClass.php file, go to line 2010 and edit it as following image.

Screenshot_2020-10-13 Blocking ‹ Firewall ‹ WebExplorar com — WordPress

Then save this file.


  1. Go to phpmyadmin using cpanel or using a plugin.
  2. Find the table name wp_wfconfig.  Here table prefix may be different.
  3. Click the structure tab and change the data type longblob to longtext.
  4. Save the table.
  5. Now find the each text “isPaid” and “keyType“. Change the isPaid value to 1 and keyType to paid. Make sure to press the enter button to save.
  6. Go to table structure again and change the data type back to longblob and save it. Follow the below screen.

Cracking WordPress security plugins



Then clear the browser cache and reload admin panel.Then you can get this feature.
Now you can find all files using isPaid keyword to cracking them.If you find like that scripts, carefully comment or remove it.But once if you are updating this plugin every these modifications will be lost.
So I’ll describes how to full cracking wordpress/Joomla extrawatch pro plugin without paying them. Stay with me. 😀




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