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In today’s digital age, extracting data from websites has become an essential task for various purposes, such as market research, data analysis, and content aggregation. One powerful tool that simplifies the process of web scraping is PHP Goutte. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of web scraping using PHP Goutte, providing a step-by-step guide to help you build your own web scraping tool.

Goutte is a screen scraping and web crawling library for PHP, built on top of Guzzle, a powerful HTTP client for PHP.

Goutte provides a nice API to crawl websites and extract data from the HTML/XML responses.

1- Setting up your development environment and Install PHP Goutte

Begin by installing Goutte using Composer, which is a dependency manager for PHP. Run the following command in your project directory.

composer require fabpot/goutte


2- Create a new PHP file.

Create a new PHP file (e.g., scraper.php) and require the autoloader for Goutte at the beginning.


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Goutte\Client;

// Create a new Goutte client
$client = new Client();


3- Define the scraping logic.

Write your scraping logic within the PHP file. For example, let’s say you want to scrape the titles of all the articles on a website.


// ...

// Make a request to the target website
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '');

// Extract the article titles using CSS selectors
$titles = $crawler->filter('.article-title')->each(function ($node) {
    return $node->text();

// Output the titles
foreach ($titles as $title) {
    echo $title . "\n";

In this example, the $crawler object represents the web page, and we use the filter method to select elements based on CSS selectors. The each method is used to iterate over the selected elements and extract their text content.


4- Run the scraper php file.

The scraper will send a GET request to the specified URL, scrape the article titles using the CSS selector .article-title, and output them to the console.

Here are some tips for speeding up your web scraping with PHP Goutte:

  • Use the filter() method to only scrape the elements that you need.
  • Use the each() method to iterate through a collection of elements.
  • Use the limit() method to limit the number of elements that you scrape.
  • Use the timeout() method to specify a timeout for your requests.
  • Use the followRedirects() method to follow redirects.



Goutte depends on PHP 7.1+.

Read the documentation of the BrowserKit, DomCrawler, and HttpClient Symfony Components for more information about what you can do with Goutte.