If you’re regular user of WordPress you know the visual composer is a paid and great plugin we are using. However when comes up WordPress 5 version you can’t edit the post or pages contents using visual editor as you worked previously. This post is explaining how to fix this issue in simple ways.
Method – 1
- Go to “Plugins” > “Add new” page.
- Type the “Classic Editor” on the search box.( See the image below )
- Click “Install” button and after installed click “Activate” button.
- Go to your editing post or page and reload it. You can see the Old editor came.
Method – 2
- Go to “Plugins” page and disable the “Visual composer” plugin and activate it again.
- Go to “Visual Composer” > “Role Manager” from sidebar.
- Check whether it’s enabled for pages or posts.
- Go to the your editing post or page and reload it.
Note: If not worked above methods disable other all plugins except Visual composer and follow the below steps.
- Right click on the page you’re editing and click “Inspect”.
- Click “Console” tab and reload the page.
- After loaded the page check the console tab for js errors.
- If you see error fix them first and make sure no errors.
- Go to the your editing post or page and reload it. This will work !