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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This tutorial teach you to how to install WordPress on Microsoft Azure as very easily. Microsoft Azure is a collection of cloud services from Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services. Azure Cloud platform allows you to build and deploy web applications, websites, storage and backups in the cloud. Cloud computing gives you access to servers, storage, databases, and a broad set of application services over the Internet.

Benefits of using Microsoft Azure

  • Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Data security and security features
  • Control choices
  • Storage options
  • Cloud computing is more cost effective
  • Regular updates
  • Accessibility
  • Availability
  • Flexible costs


1. Create a Resource

If you already have an account of azure just log into it.
If you don’t have go to Azure registration page and create your free account. You will received 150USD free credits for this.
Microsoft Azure Registration Link


2. Install Web-App

1-After registration log into the azure account.
2-Click “Create a resource” link on left menu panel.
3-Type “WordPress” and click enter.
4-Click “WordPress” app on search result.
5-Click “Create” button.
Check the screenshot below.



3. Install WordPress

  1. Click on “Create” button. Then you will see the details to fill.

Install WordPress on Azure



2. Fill the “Resource Group“.  To do that click on “Create new” link below it.



3. Click on “Database Settings Required” select box. You can view the new database setting page.



4. After you create the database and filled the resource details then click “Create” button. You can see the WordPress installation wizard. Just install it.


That’s all.