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Magento product price changed to zero

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After you updated the magento version sometimes product price changed to zero.But product price is correctly displaying in the category page or list page.This price zero issue is mostly displaying in the product details page.So in here I’ll discuss about this issue and how to solve this.Many time this is happen because of the custom options.
Check this image, then you can get an clear idea about this.

Product price is displaying correctly in the category page

Magento price is displaying as zero

Product price changed to zero in the product details page

Magento price is displaying as zero

How to solve this product price changed to zero issue

1-Go to the following directory.
2-Just replace the options.phtml file with correct magento version.
3-Check the page, if not different clear magento all cache and check it.
If not success,(version 1.7)
1-open app/design/[your package]/[yourtheme]/template/catalog/product/view/options.phtml
2-Find this script,

price += parseFloat(config[optionId][element.getValue()]);

3-Replace with,

price += parseFloat(config[optionId][element.getValue()].price);

4-Save the file.


Hide product price if zero in magento 1.7?

1-Go and open the following file.
2-find the following script.

getTierPriceHtml() ?>
 getChildHtml('alert_urls') ?>
 getChildHtml('product_type_data') ?>
 getChildHtml('extrahint') ?>

3-Put the following script with it and save file.

price==0): ?>

getPriceHtml($_product, true) ?>