Here we are describing convert xml file into excel file using php.Simple way to convert xml file into excel file with php.If you have basic knowledge of xml and php(:D) this is very easy.My another post is showing how to read Excel file and save details to database using php. If you not good familiar with xml read this PHP Creating XML file post and Read XML file using PHP post to get and better idea.
Okay.First you need to create you xml file. I’ll show you my xml file format for a example.
PHP and MySQL Miguel Alvarez WebHole 10.00 PHP jQuery Cookbook Vijay Joshi Reilly Media 20.99 JAVA 123 WIlliam Vega WebHole 15.25
How to read this xml file?
$url = 'Library.xml'; // xml file location with file name if (file_exists($url)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); print_r($xml); }
How to convert xml file into excel file?
book as $books) { echo $books->title."\t" . $books->author."\t" . $books->publisher."\t" . $books->price."\n"; } } ?>
That’s only.
Remember this is simple example to show how to convert xml file into excel file using php.
Here is the full source code to download.
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