How can you read file, like text file line by line and get contents to and array using php? This can be using “FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES”.Here is a tested example to read text file line by line and create an array.
This is your text file named Student_details.txt
Index No Name Marks Age Country
Read file line by line.
$StudentDetails= 'Student_details.txt'; $studentArr = file($StudentDetails, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); print_r($studentArr);
This is a another method to read file line by line into an array.
$file = fopen("Student_details.txt", "r"); $StudentDetails= array(); while (!feof($file)) { $StudentDetails[] = fgets($file); } fclose($file); print_r($StudentDetails);
// Using the optional flags parameter since PHP 5 $trimmed = file('Student_details.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);