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JavaScript frameworks are developing at an extremely fast pace. This post is describing main points, advantages and disadvantages of ReactJS and AngularJS as Library and Framework.

React-vs-Angular number of open positions worldwide
React-vs-Angular number of open positions worldwide



  1. Just a small view javascript library
  2. Components: emerging web components standard/Component based architecture
  3. Size: smaller than Angular, so a bit faster
  4. Has a Virtual DOM, which renders updates faster than Angular’s Regular DOM
  5. Uses JSX, which combines markup and logic in the same file (making components easier to read)
  6. Data Binding: one-way
  7. You Can use ES6/7 JavaScript, although you can use Typescript or Flow if you so choose
  8. Mobile: React Native is faster than Angular’s solutions
  9. Testing: Jest & Enzyme
  10. Learning Curve is lower, but you only get the view. Because of this, you’re going to have to learn a slew of 3rd party libraries. Ex. State management (Redux or MobX), Asynchronous calls (react-promise, react-thunk, or react-saga), etc.
  11. Scalability: is more testable, so also easy to scale
  12. Popularity: has increased exponentially
  13. Open source: GitHub stars: 111,927 / Contributors: 1,242 / Issues: 287
  14. Used on: Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, Instagram, Whatsapp, Dropbox
  15. React Fiber will increase the speed of React dramatically


Cons of ReactJS:

  • In ReactJS you need more code for development then it’s counterparts.
  • Not using isomorphic approach to exploit applications leads to SEO indexing problems.
  • ReactJS has large size of dependencies.






  1. Is a full framework
  2. Has a Regular DOM, which renders updates slower than React’s Virtual DOM also has a virtual Dom too
  3. The rendered JavaScript and HTML maintains a physical separation
  4. Utilizes Components: emerging web components standard/Module + Component based architecture
  5. Data Binding: two-way
  6. You must use TypeScript
  7. Scalability: easy to scale
  8. Mobile: Ionic and Cordova are slower than React Native
  9. Testing:  Jasmine & Mocha
  10. Learning Curve is higher, but once you understand it you have an entire MVC framework
  11. Popularity: dropped since AngularJS (Angular 1)
  12. Open source: GitHub stars: 40,963 / Contributors: 732 / Issue: 2,162
  13. Size: larger, resulting in longer load times and performance on mobile
  14. Used on: Google, Nike, Forbes, Upwork, General Motors, HBO, Sony

Cons of AngularJS:

  • Basics are quite easy , but then learning curve becomes very steep making it hard to learn.
  • Scopes are easy to use, but hard to debug.
  • Directives are powerful, but difficult to use.
  • AngularJS has search engine indexibility.